Passion got us started. But what will make the difference?

Aug 10, 2021

I started The Culture Ministry because over the past 20 years of my career (mainly in male dominated businesses) I have been frustrated by the lack of progress and change needed to improve diversity and inclusion in organisations. I have spent the last two years in a dedicated Global Diversity and Inclusion role and in that time, I have learnt:

  • The work is lonely and under resourced,

  • Progress is slow,

  • There is an overwhelming amount of work to be done, and

  • Many Diveristy and Inclusion Leaders can’t articulate what is working, and what isn’t.

Can you relate?

 I started The Culture Ministry to build a tribe of like-minded people so we can support each other, share what’s actually working and raise the profile of diversity, equity and inclusion in organisations. I would love your support so please let me know if you would like a discussion to learn more about what The Culture Ministry provides as a corporate member, so you can make progress and not feel so lonely.