
Catch up with thought leaders in Diversity and Inclusion, and learn from their experience.

Expressing milk in a storeroom is better than a toilet, right? Aug 03, 2022

When I was returning to work 4 months after the birth of our first son. It was hard. 

It was hard because my manager didn’t remember I was coming back. It was hard because my husband didn’t think he would need to pick up or drop off our son at childcare. It was hard because I...

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My breastfeeding journey. Literally. Aug 01, 2022

This week (Monday 1 August to Sunday 7 August) is world breastfeeding week. This week makes me reflect each year on my journey breastfeeding my two boys. Of course, we all know that breast is best but it’s not an easy road and it’s not for everyone. It’s important to remember...

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I’m breaking up with International Women’s Day…. Mar 11, 2022

I used to love international women’s day. I used to love the events that brought fabulous women together to celebrate their fabulousness. I loved listening to different speakers and hearing about their career journey. I loved the opportunity to get dressed up and attend lunches and morning...

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A funny little thing called inclusion Dec 08, 2021

When I first started out in my HR career the “big deal” at the time was culture fit. Did people fit the culture. Would they fit in? Or not?

Of course you first had to define the culture which in itself was a tricky thing because many parts of an organisational culture are not tangible...

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Is the bullshit wearing you down? Oct 04, 2021

Some days the bullshit wears you down.

I was going to start off by saying I’m annoyed today but actually, I’m pissed off. But not just today, it’s been building over the last week.

It started with a conversation with a friend. She was telling me about a meeting with the...

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Instead of celebrating success, it's time to talk about failure Aug 26, 2021

Written by Kit Lim

“I’m so tired of talking and sharing about successes….”

That was a conversation between two individuals. So apparently, the individual who made the statement is a team leader and he regularly conducts townhall with his team members to share success...

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Passion got us started. But what will make the difference? Aug 10, 2021

I started The Culture Ministry because over the past 20 years of my career (mainly in male dominated businesses) I have been frustrated by the lack of progress and change needed to improve diversity and inclusion in organisations. I have spent the last two years in a dedicated Global Diversity...

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Flexible work culture? Done. Aug 02, 2021

I feel like I have been lucky in my career. Lucky I have worked in roles where I could manage to work flexibly in some form to manage other life priorities. But when I reflect, I only managed this for myself. Did I fight for flexible work for others? No I did not. Did I create a flexible work...

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Why I decided to own some recent feedback…. Jul 17, 2021

“You are so cynical Lisa” This was some unsolicited feedback I received from a team member last week.

I have never been given this feedback previously so it was a bit of a shock. I’m usually fairly positive and provide balanced feedback on initiatives and projects. I reflected...

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5 Tips for Managing Anxiety Right Now Jul 07, 2021

Written by Agi Heale

The world has been changing at the rate of knots and it has been an incredibly challenging 18 months for many people. As the world starts to open up into a “new normal”, anxiety seems to be everywhere. Have I done this right? Am I able to handle this? How come...

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Why I started The Culture Ministry Jun 10, 2021

Back a number of years ago now, I joined a Company on a four-month maternity leave contract. I was so desperate and grateful to snag this job, I thought very little about the Company I was joining. I just needed to escape the Company I was currently at, and keep a salary coming in. 

One of...

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Why I don’t want to bring my whole self to work. May 23, 2021


It’s still dark when I jolt awake 2 minutes before my alarm goes off. I contemplate how dressed I actually need to be for the 6am Zoom call and how much time I need to make a cup of tea. I hastily put on a t-shirt over my nightwear and head to the kitchen. 



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